Monday, 29 June 2009

Is Ladywood Solid Labour?

It's not rare for naysayers to question how much effort should be put into gaining representation in Ladywood - some describing it as solid Labour. Setting aside the fact that many of our members and supporters in Ladywood are determined to gain better representation for the area, the electoral picture shows that an opportunity exists for change. The following pie chart shows the breakdown of votes cast in Ladywood ward in the Euro elections.

The turnout in Labour is very poor at about 15% of the electorate which means less than 5% of voters in the area voted Labour. Solid Labour? I don't think so. Given that the Conservative Party polled just 27% nationally in the European elections compared to exactly 20% in Ladywood, we can expect an uplift at the next set of locals. With a good campaign we can increase turnout and get supporters of all parties to switch to us. So why shouldn't Ladywood be a target seat in the next set of local elections?

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